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初中英語說課稿:初中三年級英語《Adoctor for animals》教案范文

時間:2012-11-9 16:18:15 點擊:


  1. 掌握且能運用有關詢問某人身體狀況的日常用語,能述說健康狀況以及談論病情和給出建議或要求的日常交際用語。

  2. 掌握本單元的詞匯和習慣用語,特別是短語make up one’s mind, as if, at least等的用法。

  3. 進一步學習動詞不定式,學習用it 來充當形式主語的用法,有時還用it 來充當形式賓語,而真正的主語或賓語后置句末。如:I found it difficult to learn English well.

  4. 認真學習”The man who loved dogs”和”Cody saves the baby”,體會人與動物自然、友好相處的和諧。



  make up one’s mind   下決心

  regard…as …      把……當作……;當作

  as if          好像

  at sea          在大海上

  just as…        正象;恰與……相同

  mobile phone       可移動電話

  half an hour       半小時

  at all          根本;全然

  at least         至少;起碼

  a doctor for animals   獸醫(yī)

  wag its tail, or put its ears straight up 搖尾巴或把耳朵豎起來

    To help animals is helping people. 幫助動物就是幫助人類。

    make sb. do sth.     使某人做某事

  find something about him on the internet 在網(wǎng)上找到有關他的資料

  a pet dog named Don    一條被叫做Don的愛犬

    no matter         不管

  before long        不久

  work on          從事于……工作

  be on the safe side    萬無一失

  to speak well of everyone 說別人好話

  to complain too often   報怨太多



  表示肯定和不肯定 Expressing certainty and uncertainty

  We can find ….我們能找到……。

  喜好和厭惡 Like and dislikes

  I like …. 我喜歡……。

  I really love …. 我真的喜歡……。

  I like to work with …. 我喜歡和……工作。

  Do you like being …? 你愿意成為……嗎?

  請求允許和應答 Asking for permission and responses

  — Can I ask you some questions? 我能問您一些問題嗎?

  — Sure. 當然可以。


a. 陳述句

  It is interesting to play with pets. 和寵物玩是有趣的。

  To do the job well is not easy. 做好這項工作是不容易的。

  It’s better to give than to receive. 奉獻總比索取好。

  To make a mistake is human. 犯錯誤是人之常情。

b. 疑問句

  Is it easy to heal children? 給孩子治病容易嗎?

  But isn’t it more important to help people than animals? 但是難到幫助人類不比幫助動物更重要嗎?

c. 否定句

  It is not easy to learn maths well. 學好數(shù)學是不容易的。



  本單元主要學習詢問身體健康狀況、談論身體狀況以及對身體健康方面的一些忠告或建議、要求等的日常交際用語,還學習了一些常用語及部分同義或近義詞的用法。在學習對話的同時,復習歸納了現(xiàn)在完成時時態(tài),強調(diào)現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)不能使用過去的時間狀語。進一步學習了動詞不定式,學習用it 來充當形式主語的用法。 通過對課文The man who loved dogs和Cody saves the baby的學習, 來體會人與動物友好相處的和諧。 同時要掌握本單元的短語和習慣用語。


  第15單元第58課與60課都是以敘事的方式,講述關于狗的故事。The man who loved dogs講述的是James Herriot做為獸醫(yī)的艱苦歷程和他對職業(yè)的奉獻精神。Cody saves the baby講述的是一只狗在地震時救了小主人的經(jīng)過。兩篇文章內(nèi)容除了一些生詞外,沒有出現(xiàn)較難的語法項目。對于這樣的語篇,可以通過教學設計,提高學生的閱讀技巧和閱讀速度。并在課堂練習或課后練習時,再閱讀其他小短文,演練一下所學的方法,進而達到學會讀大意,抓主題的快速閱讀的目的。



  Long ago, dogs and horses were tamed to become man's helpers on land.  Today some people believe that dolphins may become man's helpers in the sea Proof that a dolphin can be trained to assist man appeared in 1965.  The U.S. Navy used the services of a seven-foot dolphin, Tuffy.

  Tuffy worked with divers at the Navy's Man-in-the-Sea station off the coast of California. He acted as messenger to a ten-man team whose underwater home was Sealab II, 205 feet deep.

  Wearing a plastic harness, Tuffy carried letters in a waterproof tube.  He also carried tools for the undersea workers. Tuffy learned to answer calls for help.  Pretending to be lost, an aquanaut

  would sound a buzzer.  Another aquanaut would fasten one end of a line to Tuffy's harness .Tuffy would speed to the rescue.

  More and more , it seems likely that old tales of dolphins' willingness to help man are closer to truth than to fiction .

  1. The land animals dolphins are compared to are

  A. oxen and horses     B. dogs and cats

  C. dogs and horses     D. None of the above

  2. The name of the trained dolphin was

  A.  Toughy   B.  Tuffy  C. Tufty   D.      None of the above

  3. The services of the dolphin were used by the

  A. Government of California        B. U.S. Army

  C.  U.S. Navy                     D. Scripps Institution of Oceanography

  4. The article does not say that

  A. the station was named Sealab II      B. the station's depth was 205 feet

  C. ten men were in the underwater team  D. the men spent fifteen days at the station

  5. For all his chores, the dolphin

  A. wore a plastic harness    B.   carried a waterproof tube

  C. carried a line           D.  carried tools

  6. The signal for the dolphin's rescue chore was a

  A.  shout  B. bell     C. buzzer  D. whistle

  7. The purpose of the line the dolphin took was to

  A. save the aquanaut from drowning   B. lead the aquanaut back to the others

  C. help the aquanaut to guide the dolphin  D. carry a light to the aquanaut

  8. The author suggests that this modern example makes old tales about dolphins seem

  A. more truth than fiction      B. more fiction than truth

  C. half truth and half fiction    D. entirely fiction


  1.  C    2. B   3. C    4.  D    5. A    6. C    7. B    8. A



  (1) 本文簡單介紹了燕子的生活習性。

  (2) 對小動物的介紹一般都是從細節(jié)到它的生活習性。

  There are different kinds of swallows. Some swallows make their homes in the sand; others build their nests under the roofs. They make their nests of earth and grass.

  It takes them several days to build a nest. They have to work in the early morning. The swallow lays five or six eggs at a time. The mother bird sits on them, and the father bird watches by her side and gives some food to her.

  You must not think that when swallows fly over your head, they aren't working. No! Life is work to them. The young swallows eat a lot and they are busy catching the insects for them. So they have to work from early morning till late at night. At last the young birds can fly well, but the old ones can't rest. They began to think about their second family, for they have two broods every season.

  When the second brood can fly, too, it's time to think about going to the warmer countries, and when spring comes, they'll return.


  (1) swallow n. 燕子

  (2) nest n. 巢

  (3) roof n. 屋頂

  (4) lay v. 產(chǎn)(卵)

  (5) insect n. 昆蟲

  (6) brood n. 一窩所孵的幼雛


  (1) Can you see swallows easily now? Why?

  (2) In what way can we protect (保護) this kind of animal?

作者:不詳 來源:網(wǎng)絡
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