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時間:2012-1-17 14:13:33 點擊:


Ⅰ. 詞匯與結(jié)構(gòu)/Vocabulary and structure(15分)


1.Alexisher Canadian dollars for RMB before her trip to Beijing.

A. exchange B. exchanged

C. exchanging D. exchangeable

2.——Whats in the ?

——There are some and in them.

A. photos; potatoes; radiosB. photos; potatoes; radioes

C. photoes; potatos; radiosD. photos; potatos; radios

3.Cornwall Research Facility in Salem primarily focuses on lung cancer researchtreatment.

A. so B. nor

C. but D. and

4.Would you pleasethe new words for us?

A. to readB. read

C. readingD. reads

5.Fields Bank offered credit lines of up to $10,000 at interest rates to attract more small business owners.

A. easy B. reduced

C. pleasant D. financial

6.David is goodEnglish, but he doesnt do wellPE.

A. at; on B. at; in

C. at; with D. in; at

7.Raymond and Howell proposed job cuts following a twoyear decline in sales.

A. figures B. actions

C. employers D. information

8.I have got many collections of snow globes. You may take if you like.

A. eitherB. one

C. itD. none

9.After the United States government reportedconsumer demands for gasoline, market oil prices closed at $72 a barrel.

A. weaken B. weakest

C. weakness D. weakening

〖=2〗10. ——Are Jim and Bob playing outside?

——. They are doing their homework in the study.

A. EitherB. Both

C. NeitherD. None

11. ——Have you your father recently?

——No. He doesnt often write to me.

A. heard about B. heard of

C. heard from D. got from

12. ——Its difficult for the village children to cross the river for school.

——I think a bridge over the river.

A. was builtB. is being built

C. has been builtD. should be built

13. This week, the weather to change every day: One day is hot, the next is cold.

A. seemsB. looks

C. soundsD. feels

14. Keep practicing and you your English.

A. improveB. will improve

C. improvedD. were improving

15. The newdesigned car is on show now. I wonder .

A. how much it costB. how much did it cost

C. how much it costsD. how much does it cost

Ⅱ. 完形填空/Close(15分)


Itzhak Perlman was born in Israel. But his music has made him a citizen of the world. He has played in 16 every large city. He has won fifteen Grammy Awards and four Emmys.

Perlman suffered a terrible disease which hurt his 17 at four. Today he uses a wheelchair or walks with crutches(拐杖). But none of these 18 him from playing the violin. As a young child, he took his first lessons at the Music Academy of Tel Aviv. Very quickly, his 19 talent was recognized. At the age of thirteen he went to the United States to 20 on television. His playing led him to the Juilliard School in New York.

His music is full of power and strength. It can be 21 or joyful, loud or soft. But people say it is not the music 22 that makes his playing so particular. They say he is able to show the joy he 23 in playing, and the feelings that great music can express.

Anyone who has attended(出席) his performance will tell you it is exciting to watch him play. His face changes 24 the music from his violin changes. He smiles and closes his eyes when the music is light and happy. He often 25 dark when the music seems dark and frightening.

Itzhak Perlman has received many honours, and continues to receive honours for his music.

16.A. evenB. almost C. onlyD. already

17.A. handsB. armsC. legsD. eyes

18.A. stoppedB. movedC. protectedD. got

19.A. commonB. usualC. simpleD. special

20.A. practiseB. watchC. appearD. train

21.A. happyB. cheerfulC. noisyD. sad

22.A. aloneB. lonelyC. aliveD. available

23.A. touchesB. feelsC. developsD. achieves

24.A. asB. whileC. andD. or

25.A. performsB. thinksC. looksD. sounds



1.B[解析] 此空需要填入一個動詞,不是現(xiàn)在分詞,也不是形容詞,故排除C項和D項。句中動詞需要根據(jù)句子的時態(tài)采用相應的形式,A項是動詞原形,用在這里不恰當,排除A項。故本題正確答案為B。

2.A[解析] 本題考查可數(shù)名詞變復數(shù)中以“o”結(jié)尾的名詞變復數(shù)的規(guī)則:以“o”結(jié)尾的名詞,變復數(shù)時規(guī)律不確定,需要單獨記憶:(1)加s:如,photo—photos;piano—pianos;radio—radios;zoo—zoos;(2)加es:如,potato—potatoes;tomato—tomatoes;(3)均可:如,zero—zeros/zeroes。

3.D[解析] research和treatment在句中是并列關(guān)系,lung cancer research and treatment的意思是:肺癌研究和治療。故本題正確答案是D。

4.B[解析] would是情態(tài)動詞,后面跟動詞原形,所以選B。

5.B[解析] reduced interest rates表示“降低的利率”,利率降低了,才能吸引更多的小商戶。故本題正確答案為B。

6.B[解析] “be good at”為固定搭配,表示“擅長……”!癲o well in…”表示在某一方面做得好,所以選B。

7.A[解析] sales figure是“銷售額”的意思,符合題意,句子的意思是:連續(xù)兩年的銷售額下降,促使Raymond 和Howell實施了裁員。故本題正確答案為A。

8.B[解析] 根據(jù)句意,橫線處應填入表示肯定的詞,none意為“沒有(一個)”,排除D;either意為“兩個之中的一個”,由前句的“many”可推知“我”收藏的雪晶球不止兩個,排除A;C項it在前文中沒有可指代的名詞,故排除;B項的one表示很多雪晶球中的一個,故本題正確答案為B。

9.D[解析] weaken是動詞,表示“(使)削弱”,用在動詞reported后面不恰當,排除A項;weakest是weak的最高級,表示“最弱的”,前面應該有定冠詞,排除B項;weakness是名詞,不能修飾consumer demands,排除C項;weakening是形容詞,表示“弱化的”,weakening consumer demands for gasoline表示“對汽油不高的消費需求”,符合題意。故本題正確答案為D。

10. C[解析] either意為“(兩者中的)任何一個”;neither意為“兩者都不”;none意為“沒有一個(三者或三者以上)”;both意為“兩者都”。根據(jù)句意可知,兩人都在書房做作業(yè),沒有一個人去外面玩耍,故選C。

11. C[解析] hear about意為“聽說, 接到消息”;hear of意為“聽說”;hear from意為“收到來信”;get from意為“從……得到”。此句是問最近有沒有收到你父親寄來的信,所以選C。

12. D[解析] 考查情態(tài)動詞的被動語態(tài)。其結(jié)構(gòu)為:情態(tài)動詞+be+過去分詞。由下句“我認為應當在河上建一座橋”可知選D。

13. A[解析] 根據(jù)橫線后的動詞不定式可以推斷只有A項符合題意,B、C、D項后面跟省略to的動詞不定式。

14. B[解析] 考查特殊句式!捌硎咕+and+陳述句”句式中,陳述句要用一般將來時,故選B。

15. C[解析] 考查賓語從句。賓語從句用陳述句語序,排除B和D。再根據(jù)前句“now”可確定時態(tài)應用一般現(xiàn)在時,故選C。

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