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小學(xué)英語教案:《meeting friends》教案范文

時間:2013-7-21 12:22:37 點擊:

一年級英語主題活動課:meeting friends

  一、 說課

  我開課的主題是meeting friends

  交朋友是學(xué)生生活中的重要的一部分,學(xué)生喜歡朋友,更喜歡自己能成為他人的朋友。所以本課的目標(biāo)是通過句型、游戲、歌曲等多種不同的方式讓學(xué)生在不知不覺中掌握怎樣與他人成為朋友。在整堂課中,以交朋友為主線。先用動物引發(fā)小朋友交朋友的興趣,新授句型“I want to be your friend.”接著老師把動物朋友介紹給大家,激起小朋友想交朋友的興趣。由老師做示范后,讓想交朋友的學(xué)生上臺進(jìn)行自由的交朋友。然后讓這些學(xué)生再把自己的動物的朋友介紹給自己的好朋友。這樣就給學(xué)生使用英語自然流入的機(jī)會。


  最后在歌曲one two three—we are friends中結(jié)束本課,讓學(xué)生感到意猶未盡,為下一課作好準(zhǔn)備。


  一、 free talk

  T: Hello, what’s your name?

  S1: my name is XX.

  T: who is she?

  S1: she is YY.

  T: what’s his name?

  S2: His name is KK.

  Can you ask me some questions like this? (choose someone to ask me)

  二、 sing a song

  I like animals. Do you like? If you like and you want to be their friend, you should say: I want to be your friend.(show this sentence on the blackboard, then Ss read after T)

  Show a toy animal (example)

  T: hello, I want to be your friend.

  CAT: me, too.

  T: Nice to meet you.

  CAT: Nice to meet you.

  Who want to be cat’s friend?(a team )

  The animals are our friends. We all like animals. Today many animals come to our school. Now please close your eyes. Then show a basket. At the same time, choose five Ss to come to the front. And the six Ss hide behind the teacher’s desk. Let Ss open their eyes.(they will see so many animals in the basket)

  And the animals also bring us a song. Let’s sing this song. (play the cassette)During this song, the six hidden Ss will appear one by one. Then they dance in front of the classroom.

  三、 Make animal friends

  There ‘re many animals in our classroom. Do you want to know them? Let’s ask them to self-introduce.

  Fish: Hello, I’m fish.

  They are so lovely. I like them very much. I want to be their friend.(example)

  T: Hello, fish! I’ m Miss Zhu. I want to be your friend.

  Fish: me, too.

  T: Nice to meet you.

  Fish: Nice to meet you.

  Who want to be rabbit’s friend?

  Who want to be dog’s friend?

  Now Miss fish is my friend. And I have another friend----- XX.

  T: XX, this is my friend Miss fish. Miss fish, this is my friend, XX.

  XX: Nice to meet you.

  FISH: Nice to meet you.

  You must have many friends. Now please introduce your animal friend to your friend, OK?

  四、 Make foreign friends

  Today, many animals come to our school. And some foreigners come to our school. Who want to perform these foreigners? (choose four Ss to perform)

  1、foreign friends appear one by one. And they self-introduce.

  2、(example) Miss zhu wants to be their friend

  T:hello, coco. I’m Miss Zhu. Nice to meet you.

  Coco:Nice to meet you.

  T: I want to be your friend.

  Coco: Me,too

  T: We’re friends.

  Then Miss Zhu has a foreign friend. Do you want to have a foreign friend? OK, please come to the front and say to them.

  3、Now we all have foreign friends. However our guest teachers don’t know them. Can you introduce your foreign friends to our guest teachers?

  五、 Artistic creation

  1、 Show a photo and introduce it. Now this is my home. Who want to be my father? Who want to my mother? Who want to be my friend?

  (example) T: Who’s there?

  S: It’s me! May I coming?

  T: Hello,KK! Coming,please! This is my father. This is my mother. This is my friend—KK.

  K: Hello!

  F&M: Hello!!

  2、Practice in four( one is your father,one is your mother,and the other one is your friend.

  3、choose some groups of them to perform

  六、 Sing a song

  Today we meet many friends------animal friends、foreign friends. Are you happy? OK, let’s sing a song.( one two three we are friends)



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