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時間:2015-03-11 10:45:08 點擊:
















  Teaching Content: This lesson contains some new words, phrases, and sentence patterns ot going on vacation.

  It will help students to express their past events.

  Teaching Objectives ..

  (1) Knowledge objective

  Students could learn some new phrases and sentence patterns of vacation.

  (2) Ability objective

  Students could talk about their activities during vacation.

  (3) Emotional objective

  Students could enhance friendship during the class by talking about common interests.

  Teaching Key Point:

  New phrases and sentence patterns about vacation

  Teaching Difficult Points:

  How to get the students to talk about the topic actively.

  Teaching Aids :

  Multimedia, word cards, some related pictures

  Teaching Procedures :

  Step 1 Leading in and Warming up (5 minutes)

  Greet with students and the teacher will share his / her own story about his / her vacation.

  (Justifications: It can attract students' interests to learn this lesson.)

  Step 2 Pre-reading (10 minutes)

  The teacher will play a video of travelling during vacation. Students review some phrases about going on vacation. Teacher asks "What did you do on your vacation? " to enlighten students on talking about their experience.

  (Justifications: Playing a video can lead in new class. The form of brainstorming is conducive to students'statements. It also paves the next step.)

  Step 3 Phrases study (10 minutes)

  Activity 1 : Make use of pictures on Page 1 to predict learning content and learn phrases"went to the beach""visited the museumsstayed at home", etc.

  Activity 2: Students should do exercise in the textbook (la, lb).

  Activity 3 : Students will do some added exercise of vocabulary by listening to the tape.

  (Justifications: Students will understand the meanings of new vocabulary and pictures. Exercise from la helps students memorize new content. Listening exercise from lb will recall the key phases to students.)

  Step 4 Practice (5 minutes)

  Activity 1 : Students will look at pictures on Page 2 and answer two questions.

  Activity 2: Students should complete listening exercise from 2a and 2b.

  (Justifications: Pictures help students understand listening content better. Exercise from 2a and 2b helps students know what it talks about.)

  Step 5 Pair work (10 minutes)

  Three students will work in a group and play conversation practice by imitating Grace, Kevin and Julie according to materials of 2a and 2b.

  (Justifications: This part helps students consolidate new words and sentence patterns and imitate pronunciation of listening material.)

  Step 6 Summary and Homework (5 minutes)

  Summary: Students will recall what they have learned today. The teacher can repeat them.

  Homework: Students will prepare a speech on the topic "The most unforgettable thing during my vacation" after class and speak it out on the next class.

  (Justification: They can help students to consolidate the knowledge what they have learned on the class.)

  Blackboard Design :

  New sentence patterns:

  Where did Tina go on vacation?

  She went to the mountains.

  New phrases :

  went to the beach

  visited the museums

  staved at home





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